Finally was able to put together and show my data in a more effective way.
I reorganized my code so that for all the samples that I considered to be active, four plots will be created, 1) Ha equivalent widths vs. time of exposure, 2) Ha equivalent widths vs. adjusted dM radial velocity, 3) adjusted dM radial velocity vs. time of exposure, and 4) spectra for each exposure in Ha emission region.
I like this one because it illustrates the benefits of having multiple exposures. You can also see the hint of periodic motion. I was pleased that most of the samples that I have singled out have had periodic motion. I didn't have a lot of time to prepare before group meeting, so I quickly just printed out a few of the ones at the beginning of my file.
With just a couple more days at the office, there are a few important things that MUST get done:
- create read me file (and put code that is useful/important in one directory that is easily accessible)
- go through important codes and more thoroughly comment on it
- put all calculated data into a structure
- finish latex document (so far it looks good - just need to write up about the last few weeks)
- pull out nice plots that I would want to use in my poster for the KINSC symposium
- write up summary for KINSC Summer Stipend and submit it
- write up abstract for KINSC Research Symposium and submit it
Had our last group meeting today. Andrew mentioned about a paper he just read that looked at a sample that is similar to Dylan's with multiple exposure spectra and analyzed "fractional variability" of Ha emission over time (apparently it's pretty much the same across early and late types). They determined that around 6 hours or so is enough time to determine the variability of the Ha emission for these stars. Pretty interesting considering that our spectra is taken over about an hour or so. Anyways, I'm glad I had some plots to show, but wish I had more time to pick some cool ones.
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